Good Relationships (in a Sinful World) Require Conflict Resolution Skills – Joshua 22

Conflict Resolution

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine

Have you have had what you thought was a really great idea that in the end went horribly wrong? I share a story of one of my personal examples in the link below to my recent sermon on conflict resolution… Joshua 22 is a profound story that shows how three tribes of Israel had what they thought was a “Great Idea” but because of lack of communication, a colossal conflict was started amongst the other 9 the tribes of Israel.

Conflict resolution is not just a skill for counselors. If we want good relationships in a sinful world, we all have to learn how to resolve conflict. I recently taught on conflict resolution and thought I’d pass the link for you to listen along.

What You Will Learn about Conflict Resolution Skills By Listening to this Sermon:

  • The incredible context behind an epic conflict that almost began a civil war among Israel (Joshua 22)
  • Joshua 22 gives us a formula for conflict resolution that lawyers and professional peace-makers still use today.
  • An easy memory tool called, “CHESS” that you can use to diffuse and resolve conflicts successfully
      1. C: Who are the characters/people involved in the conflict?
      2. H: Historical relationships (what is the history behind the relationships in the conflict?
      3. E:  What is the flow of the Events to see where the problem arose?
      4. S: Sides (There are always two side’s of the story … if you want to be a peacemaker and relationship builder you need to realize there is always two sides to a story).
      5. S: State the problem clearly.  Joshua clearly states the problem and resources to resolve the problem. He the relevant issues, what made the problem blow up, etc. Then Joshua explained what resources the people had to deal with the problem to resolve the conflict (they had the Law of Moses, and the authority of the priests to look into the matter). [1]
  • How, “Conflict + Resolution = Intimacy”
  • How the Church today can re-learn conflict resolution skills to advance the Gospel more effectively


You may also enjoy another recent sermon from “Joshua 7: Achan’s Sin | the Human Story”

Please pass this post along to a friend who might benefit from it. Thanks!

[1] The case-writing principles developed in this post were inspired by the following case-study tool for missiology: 7 Steps to Making a Case Study into a Learning Tool